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- POSTED IN Famous Inventors
Ioan Micu
Asynchronous electrical machine, Method of Biostimulation, The Scientific and Religious Realism
Date of birth: February, 27, 1945
Place of birth: Traniş, Sălaj country, Romania
Studies: Graduate of the Brasov University, the Technology of Machine Construction Faculty, 1974
Professional Experience in Industry:
1974 – engineer on probation at IMMUM Baia Mare
1975 – Digital display analyser of batch composition in steel melting furnaces
Other inventions and innovations at the facilities of IMMUM, in Baia Mare
1982 – The first Score Digital Display Table on the Baia Mare Stadium on the football match with Real Madrid
Other facility inventions and innovations
R&D Experience
1985 – Senior Engineer at the Minerals Plant in Baia Mare, the Special Designing Department
Other inventions and innovations
1991 – Specialisation in Alternative Medicine
Professional Experience in Economy
1991 – founded the Bios Micu Company whose main object of activity was the basic scientific research in Bioenergetics and parapsychology
2001 – Scientific researcher at the Bios Company.
2008 – retired
Professional performance after 1989
1991 – Doctor of Science in Alternative Medicine – Malaga, Spain
1992 – Biopuncture (Acupuncture without needles) patentation
1992 – Launch of the book AMIN, which stirred many comments and disputesin the central and local press; a book on human body cyrcadian and annual meteorosensitivity with several references to the possible extraterrestrial influences on human origins
1994 – Gold medals for the invention Method of Biostimulation, Jassy and Brussels
1994 –Man-of-the-year title in 1994, Gh. Şincai Cultural Foundation, Baia Mare
1995 – awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Open international Universty in Munich for the work The Alternative Medicine
1996 – Launch of the book Biopuncture, which refers to the physical and mathematical substantiation of the electrical unbalance that could occur in human biology
1996 – Gold Medal for Asynchronous electrical machine (referring to the principle of UFO operation), Brussels
1996 – Inventor patent class I
1996 – Golden Medal for Method of human body electrostatic equilibration, Jassy, Romania
1996 – Golden Medal for Antistress Electromagnetic Field Generator Mounted on Aeroplanes.
1996 – Silver Medal for Antistress Electromagnetic Field Generator Mounted on Motor Cars, Brussels
1996 – Silver Medal for Electrostatic Biostimulator for Personal Use, Brussels
1996 – Henri Coandă Medal Class II for special merits in the field of technology creation
1996 – Silver Medal for, Brussels
1996 – Bronze Medal for Human Radar, Jassy
1999 – Launch of the book The Biblic Evolutionism and Biopuncture, which attempts at drawing a parallel between the dogmatic and the phylosophic way of thinking on world and projects the human being in Earth periods and spaces that could balance or unbalance him.
2001 – The Human Genome in Alternative Genetics and The Human Being in Biopuncture, a report submitted to the First Congress of Millenium III on Alternative Medicine, drawn in co-operation with a team of specialists from FUKO Oradea, Băile Felix, 2001
2006 – Launch of a small number of copies of the book An Alternative History of the Earth
It was only after 2001 that I managed to decode the Bible by means of computers. The original conclusions drawn from this decoding proposes bring forth the idea of replacing the Religion taught nowadays in schools with a new matter teaching the reconciliation between dogmatic and philosophic ways of thinking.
2008- Launch of The Scientific and Religious Realism It was only after 2001 that I managed to decode the Bible by means of computers. The original conclusions drawn from this decoding proposes bring forth the idea of replacing the Religion taught nowadays in schools with a new matter teaching the reconciliation between dogmatic and philosophic ways of thinking.
At present, be I healthy and with time enough, I would like to reapproach my whole work from its very beginnings – as far as I could, so that I place all the information I have collected at the disposal of Our Civilisation.
July, 14, 2008
Ioan Micu, D.Sc.